Munich Brain Course
LMU Munich | Faculty of Medicine
20 Years Munich Brain Course 2004-2024


The Munich Brain Course is held every spring in the Insitute of Anatomy of LMU Munich.

Unfortunately, the Munich Brain Course planned for March 2025 had to be canceled for organizational reasons. [more]
The last Munich Brain Course took place on March 15th and 16th, 2024. [more]
The first Munich Brain Course since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic took place on March 17th and 18th, 2023. [more]
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no courses could take place in 2020 through 2022. [more]
The 14th course took place on March 15th and 16th 2019. [more]
The 13th course took place on March 23rd and 24th 2018. [more]
The twelfth course took place on March 31th and April 1st 2017. [more]
The eleventh course took place on March 16th - 19th 2016, focusing on spinal cord, cerebellum and occipital lobe. [more]
The tenth course took place on March 25th - 28th 2015. The main topics were brainstem, basal ganglia and temporal lobe. [more]
The first course in spring took place on March 26th - 29th 2014 and focused on thalamus/hypothalamus, sensorimotor system and parietal lobe. [more]
The course on October 10th - 12th 2012 emphasized cerebellum, spinal cord and frontal lobe. [more]
Due to the unexpectedly prolonged renovation of the Insitute of Anatomy, the course 2011 unfortunately had to be cancelled. [more]
The course on October 6th - 8th 2010 emphasized occipital lobe, brainstem and white matter. [more]
The emphasis of the course held on October 1st - 3rd 2009 was temporal lobes, thalamus and cerebellum. [more information in German]
The emphasis of the course held on October 2nd - 4th 2008 was basal ganglia, brainstem and parietal lobes. [more information in German]
The emphasis of the course held on October 4th - 6th 2007 was hypothalamus, frontal lobes and spinal cord. [more information in German]
The emphasis of the course held on September 28th - 30th 2006 was occipital lobes, brainstem and white matter. [more information in German]
The emphasis of the second course held on September 29th - October 1st 2005 was cerebellum, sensorimotor system and thalamus. [more information in German]
The emphasis of the first course held on September 30th - October 2nd 2004 was basal ganglia, brainstem and the temporal lobes in detail. [more information in German]
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